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When God Calls: Entrusting Ourselves and Our Children to Him
God is our family’s dwelling place—sure and steady no matter where he leads and what sacrifices we might experience along the way.
Enough: Trusting God's Provisions in Motherhood
God promises to always be enough for us in our motherhood calling—even when his provision might look different from what we want or expect.
When the Foundations Shake: Comforting Our Children During Stressful Times
In times of turbulence, we can comfort our kids by our preparations, our prayers and trust in God’s sovereignty, our presence, and our songs over them.
Trust the One Who Sends the Rain
Just like a thunderstorm waters growth on the earth, so do life’s storms bring forth good things in our hearts by God’s grace.
The Hallway: Trusting God in the Middle of Motherhood
We can trust God in our motherhood both looking forward (at the days to come) and back (at past mistakes).
Can God Reorder Even This? A Story of Preterm Labor
Through the unknowns of a high-risk pregnancy, we can trust in the God who works to bring order from disorder—and who never leaves our side along the way.
Patterns in the Dark
When we can’t see the way forward, God’s record of deliverance for his people gives us a pattern to trace and to trust.
3 Things I’ve Learned from My Kids About Faith
As moms, we want to teach and train our children in the ways of the Lord, but sometimes we find that we still have much to learn from the faith of a child.
Learning to Lament
In our pain and grief, lament leads us back to trusting the grace of God.
The Changing Fears of Motherhood: Jesus’ Call to Trust Him with Our Children
While the fears of motherhood will change over time, we can always trust in our faithful God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The School of Faith
God doesn’t always show us why he allows specific situations and suffering, but he does show us why we can trust him.
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Their Fears?
Big fears often grip our little one’s hearts and minds. We can help our kids deal with their fears as we process with them, point them to Christ, and pray with them.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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