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Trusting God as Your Family Grows
When we’re overwhelmed at the prospect of welcoming another child, we can anchor our plans and rest our worries on God—who is sovereignly working out good for our families.
Fight Fear and Worry with God’s Truth
Scripture memorization helps us reroute runaway thoughts and refresh our hearts with God’s power over our sin and struggles.
Like Mama, Like Son: Facing Anxiety Together
When anxious thoughts multiply, we can take comfort in the hope of the gospel and Christ’s promises to redeem us from all the brokenness and suffering of the fall.
When We Fear the Worst
No matter what he calls us to walk through, God is trustworthy and good, and so we can trade our fears for faith.
Christ’s Comfort When Our Children Suffer
Jesus both understands the deep pain of human suffering and has triumphed over it as divine King over all, so we can entrust our children’s hurts to him.
Strains of the Season: Sleep
Amidst demanding holiday schedules, sleep is a gift from God to steward for ourselves and our children—a reminder that he holds all things together.
Peace When You Need It Most
Hannah’s honest, desperate prayer in 1 Samuel models how we can turn to the God of peace in the midst of our own overwhelm.
Praying the Word: When You’re Worried about Your Health
Scripture provides comforting reminders of God’s power and sovereignty when we feel anxious about our well being.
Praying the Word: When You Fear the “What-ifs”
When we fear the unknown, we can pray to the Lord—he is our hope now and forever.
The Changing Fears of Motherhood: Jesus’ Call to Trust Him with Our Children
While the fears of motherhood will change over time, we can always trust in our faithful God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
3 Ways to Fight Fear in Motherhood
If we fear the Lord instead of fearing all the “what ifs” in our children’s lives, we can find rest and refuge in him, even amidst the uncertainties of parenting.
The Secret of Being Content
When brokenness is all around us, can we still be content? Through Christ, we can.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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