Podcast Filtered By: Friendship


Friendship Risen Motherhood Friendship Risen Motherhood

Ep. 156 || When Motherhood Feels Lonely: Nurturing Friendship in Motherhood

On one hand, we may feel like we’re never alone as moms—even going to the bathroom often becomes a family activity! On the other hand, motherhood can feel lonely and isolating. Caring for our families often leaves little time and energy for nurturing our friendships. But we’re not meant to live in isolation—we need friends who point us to Christ and encourage us in our mission! In this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share their thoughts on navigating friendship in the busyness of motherhood. Though we may need to adjust our expectations and find creative ways to connect, we can still have meaningful friendships in the midst of motherhood.

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Interviews, Community, Comparison, Home & Hospitality, Friendship Risen Motherhood Interviews, Community, Comparison, Home & Hospitality, Friendship Risen Motherhood

Ep. 122 || Building Friendships with Women in Different Seasons: An Interview with Elizabeth Woodson

Sometimes it feels like “mom world” is another planet. A nursing shield? An all-terrain stroller? Funny-shaped food? It seems easier to build friendships with women in our season of life, but the gospel gives us a bigger picture of community. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elizabeth Woodson about building flourishing friendships with women in other seasons of life—particularly singles. Elizabeth is a Bible teacher who writes, teaches, and helps to develop leaders at The Village Church and serves as the Director of Resources for the Sparrow Conference. Christian moms and singles can have the most important thing in common: our faith in Christ. So press in a little deeper with a woman in a different season and enjoy God’s gift of community.

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Community, Friendship, Little Years Risen Motherhood Community, Friendship, Little Years Risen Motherhood

Ep. 97 || Locking Arms With Moms Ahead of Us

You’re not the first mom to wonder, “How often should I bathe my kid?” or “How do you teach a stubborn child to obey?” Since other moms have asked these same questions, there may be someone with the biblical insight you need in your season of motherhood. In this episode, Laura and Emily remind us that looking to and learning from a mom who is in a season ahead of us can be a helpful way to apply biblical truth to the difficult situations in our lives! Despite our different life circumstances, we can learn from and teach one another because of our common status as believers in Christ. From one momma to another, let’s pass on God’s wisdom.

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Community, Comparison, Friendship Risen Motherhood Community, Comparison, Friendship Risen Motherhood

Ep. 69 || Loving the Difficult Mom in Your Life

It’s natural to prefer spending time with moms who share similar parenting values, lifestyle choices, and special interests with us. Conversely, most of us can instantly think of a mom we avoid, because she makes us uncomfortable with her more-extreme views in a gray-area of motherhood. These feelings beg the question, “How should we love and interact with those who do motherhood differently than us, especially when those differences breed difficulties?” In this episode, Emily and Laura bring the gospel to bear on these challenging relationships, remembering that the cross levels all of us. Because of the extravagant grace shown to us, we can now love others who are different, even when it’s hard.

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Ep. 65 || Finding Your Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community?

These days, it's common to hear the call for moms to find a "tribe" where they belong. While there is great benefit in connecting with women who share similar circumstances, challenges, or life passions, is this where we're supposed to find our primary source of community? In this episode, Emily and Laura address the online "tribe" trend, and challenge moms to examine God's plan for community, which is rooted in the local church. There is no online ministry or common interest group that can replace the need for deep relationships among flesh-and-blood believers. 

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Community, Friendship Risen Motherhood Community, Friendship Risen Motherhood

Ep. 38 || Friendship & Motherhood

Do you feel like maintaining good friendships is harder than ever in the season of young children? We have so much on our plates, it often feels impossible to steal away precious moments to reconnect with others. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their personal challenges when it comes to maintaining friendships. They also explore the importance of staying connected to other women in the season of motherhood, as well as strategies for gospel-minded friendship. God doesn't intend for us to do life alone, but with the rich gift of other women beside us. It's hard, but possible in every season with wisdom and intentionality!

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