Ep. 145 || The Grandparents Weigh In: Cultivating Gracious Family Relationships
Navigating the waters of grandparent-parent relationships can be difficult. How how much candy is too much? How do you invite them into your kids’ lives? How do you talk about boundaries? In this episode, Emily and Laura welcome their parents to the show to discuss how they honor one another in their differing roles and to work together to cultivate a gracious relationship. Whether you’re navigating a new grandparent relationship with your parents and in-laws or you are the grandparent, this episode is full of laughter, wisdom, and encouragement.
If you’re reading Risen Motherhood while listening to the show this week, check out chapter eleven: The Gospel and Our Relationships.
Mentioned on the Show:
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Related R|M Resources:
Ep. 74, Grandparents & the Gospel: Why Do Grandma & Grandpa Get Under Your Skin?
Ep. 114, Wish List Ignored? Loving the Giver More Than the Gift
“When We’re Offended: The Cost of Being a Peacemaker” Lauren Weir
Around the web:
We’re grateful that the Hands-On Bible from Tyndale House Publishers made this week’s show possible. Looking for a new kids’ Bible? The Hands-On Bible, in the New Living Translation, is packed with activities, humor, and colorful graphics to help kids understand and live out important Bible truths. Use coupon code Risen to receive 35% OFF select Hands-On Bibles. Coupon is valid through December 13th, 2019.
R|M Apply Questions:
How would you describe your relationship with your parents and in-laws? What is their relationship like with the grandkids?
Grandparents and parents have different impacts and influences in a child’s life, depending on the role. How would you explain the gospel-posture of a grandparent? A parent? What different responsibilities or opportunities does each role have?
In Christ, we can work together as parents and grandparents to teach and raise the grandkids up in the knowledge of the Lord. In what ways have you seen this combined effort to be a gift? Are there ways you could change your own habits or encourage the grandparents in your life towards this goal?
While every relationship is broken due to sin, healthy relationships aren’t the reality for many families. What hope does the gospel offer in these circumstances? In what ways can you express the love of Christ to your parents, even if they’re unable to be involved grandparents?
Our parents are more than just Nana or Papa; they’re ever-growing and changing individuals. How can you “check in” with them to hear what they’re learning or thinking about? Consider what would it look like to honor your specific parents in their role as grandparents or how can you could pray for them.
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