Ep. 144 || Boxes & Moving Trucks: Enduring Transitions with Grace
Moving is hard. One day, you’re packing a box faster than your toddler can unpack it, and the next, you need Google maps to find the kids’ new school. Your family can feel uprooted, discouraged, exhilarated, and adventurous all on the same day. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the challenges of moving with littles (which overlaps with any season of transition!). While moving is hard and full of unknowns, we can be sure God has a plan, and it’s a good one. These days, months, or even years aren’t throwaway seasons. By God’s grace, they’re times of pruning and growth in our hearts, leading us to joy in Christ—not our circumstances.
If you’re reading Risen Motherhood while listening to the show this week, check out chapter five: The Gospel and Our Transitions.
Mentioned on the Show:
Gen. 3:24, He drove out* the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.
*The Hebrew word “garash” can also be translated as “thrust out,” “expel,” and more. The addition of the cherubim made sure Adam and Eve could not stay or return to Eden but had to be removed from their home.
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Related R|M resources on different types of transitions:
Ep. 65, Finding Your Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community?
“Where Are We Going?: Leading Your Family with a Gospel-Centered Vision” Shelly Wildman
Ep. 46, Intentional Motherhood: Communicating Your Family’s Mission
Ep. 66, Hannah Anderson: How Humility Nourishes A Weary Mom’s Soul
Ep. 79, She Reads Truth: God’s Word Everyday, In Every Season
Ep. 92, Learning, Growing, & Changing Our Minds: How the Gospel Frees Us to Do Something Different
Ep. 124, Traveling with Kids: The Adventure You Didn’t Hope For
Ep. 25, Preparing for Birth: Heart Attitudes When Writing Your Birth Plan
Ep. 60, Adding Another Little: How Mom Can Greet the Transition with Hope
“When You Feel Unfit for the Call of Foster Care” Sally Ashburn
“Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents” Quina Aragon
Around the web:
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
R|M Apply Questions:
Even if you’re not currently moving, we’ve all been in seasons of transitions. Are you in one now? If not, can you remember a recent one? What are some of the feelings, struggles, or difficulties you’ve faced in seasons of transition?
How does God use seasons of transitions (including moving) to shape his people throughout scripture? How has God shaped you—in godliness and grace—through seasons of transition? Be specific.
While we know God has a plan for the difficult transitions in our lives, they’re still really hard in the moment. What specific challenges do you and your kids face in transition? Knowing the needs of your family, how can you meet your husband and kids with gospel hope?
We know Christ is preparing a perfect home for us where we’ll be with God and perfectly at peace one day. So right now, we can pick out a couch joyfully, and then move on. We can open our homes to others, even if it’s full of half-packed boxes. How does this promise free us to serve joyfully with what we have in the middle of transitions?
The best way to turn our hearts towards joy in the middle of transitions is to meditate (or spend intentional time thinking) on God’s faithfulness to us. What can you thank God for in the middle of this season? How has his grace sustained you this far?
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