Gospel Mom 04: On Competitive Motherhood + Other Things (GM - C7)
Take a quick look around—see anyone that has your exact life? Same, friend. And yet, how often do we feel the pressure to do things exactly the way another mom does them? As believers, we know God made us uniquely in his image… so how does this play out in our lives as moms? In this episode, Emily and Laura share how our differing seasons and life circumstances not only free us to pursue God’s design for our motherhood, but also serve as the setting for his work in our lives. May this reminder free you to plant your feet firmly in the life God has given you, trusting his path forward for you and your family.
Mentioned on the Show:
Related Resources from R|M:
Whole 01: Who Are You, Really? Finding What You Lost in Motherhood
Ep. 119 || "But This Is Just My Personality!": How Christ Changes Us
Ep. 46 || Intentional Motherhood: Communicating Your Family's Mission
Trying to find God’s will for your motherhood?
As moms, we’re surrounded by a lot of messages of who we “should” be and what we “should” do. But in Christ, there’s incredible freedom to be a mom who is unique and individual, while glorifying God and being faithful in motherhood. Not sure what that looks like? That’s exactly why the Risen Motherhood co-founders, Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, wrote these books.
Gospel Mom: How to Make Biblical Decisions and Discover the Mom God Created You to Be, along with its companion workbook Becoming a Gospel Mom is available now.
R|M Apply Questions:
Spend some time evaluating your unique circumstances as Emily and Laura outlined in the show, below*. Consider journaling through how each of these plays a role in the person you are today:
Personal Makeup: Family history, relationship with your parents, sin struggles, physical/mental/emotional health, testimony
Your Spouse’s Personal Makeup (if applicable—see above!)
Family Makeup: Ages of kids, how many kids do you have, kids’ age differences, neurological differences and/or disabilities
Microculture: Where you live (suburbs, apartment, big city, small town, etc.), the church you attend, the schools your children attend, political issues that feel most pressing in your community
Season of Life: the little years vs. elementary/middle/high school years, empty-nester, income-producing work (stay-at-home parent, part-time, full-time)
*Note: There are WAY more of these, along with space to process through each, in the Becoming a Gospel Mom workbook on Pg. 110!
In what areas do you feel the pressure to conform? Spend some time in prayer that the Lord will open your eyes to areas of your life where you’re seeking to live out a life he hasn’t given you. (This is a great opportunity to chat with a trusted friend or mentor who can encourage you in next steps!)
What are you worried will happen if you make a decision different from others? (This is a great prompt to write through and take your time processing this big question!)
How can you turn your trust to the Lord to be sovereign over your “mistakes” and/or different decisions?
If you’re married, set an intentional time to talk to your husband about your collective desires for your family, children, dreams, and goals. By God’s grace, this will be an opportunity to evaluate your family’s circumstances and pray through how the Lord is calling you to steward these for his glory.
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