Ep. 73 || Ruth Chou Simons: Faithfulness & Work in the Season of Young Children
In the little years, it’s easy to grow weary from sowing seeds without seeing much fruit. When the discouragement bears down, we wonder, “Does this even matter? Would another investment be more worthwhile?” In this episode, Ruth Chou Simons, author, artist and founder of Gracelaced, pours out gospel-rich wisdom from her years of parenting six boys. She discusses how she manages her dreams and motherhood, how she keeps her priorities straight with a blooming business, and offers practical wisdom for a busy mom to grow in her relationship with God. Through years of humble faithfulness, a mom can hope in Christ, even when she can’t see the outcome of her story.
Ep. 72 || Questions, Appointments, Evaluations and Differences: When Your Child Doesn’t Fit the Mold
What does a mom do at the beginning of an unknown journey with a kiddo who doesn’t seem to fit the mold? Whether it’s food allergies, therapy needs, medical concerns, hearing / vision impairments, challenging behaviors or something else; the differences can feel scary and isolating. How can a mom apply the truth of the gospel when she’s not even sure what she’s dealing with? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own personal experiences with kiddos who don’t fit the mold, and offer encouragement rooted in an unchanging hope available in Christ. In Him, we can be confident that all things are for our good and God’s glory.
Ep. 71 || Mom Bods and the Gospel
Regardless of how long it’s been since having a baby, we can easily tie too much self-worth to our external appearance. Our confidence can be sky high one morning when we see that “number we’ve been waiting for,” and drop to the ground when it we see a friend who looks better-than-before-baby. But what does the gospel say about how we should view our MomBods? In this special “welcome back” episode, newly postpartum moms Emily and Laura discuss common cultural mindsets about body image, encouraging themselves and others to believe the truths presented in scripture. God isn’t shaming our postpartum bodies, and we shouldn’t either.
Ep. 70 || Is Motherhood Your Measure of Success
When urgent needs and love for our littles abounds, it’s easy to become all-consumed by the role of motherhood. Without even realizing it, we can start to define ourselves by how we’re doing, letting our joy be found in the relative success of earthly ability instead of the secure anchor of the Savior. In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the concept of identity and motherhood, encouraging moms to define themselves in Christ. As sinners, our success can’t be found in any earthly role or relationship, but only through our eternal hope in the Savior himself.
Ep. 69 || Loving the Difficult Mom in Your Life
It’s natural to prefer spending time with moms who share similar parenting values, lifestyle choices, and special interests with us. Conversely, most of us can instantly think of a mom we avoid, because she makes us uncomfortable with her more-extreme views in a gray-area of motherhood. These feelings beg the question, “How should we love and interact with those who do motherhood differently than us, especially when those differences breed difficulties?” In this episode, Emily and Laura bring the gospel to bear on these challenging relationships, remembering that the cross levels all of us. Because of the extravagant grace shown to us, we can now love others who are different, even when it’s hard.
Ep. 68 || How Can Mom Support Dad Spiritually?: An Interview With Jerrad Lopes
Moms celebrate Father’s Day with a variety of feelings. Some are incredibly grateful for their husband’s leadership, hands-on help, sacrificial love, and wisdom with child-rearing. But others feel the pain of disappointment, and aren’t sure how to reconcile their expectations with their reality. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jerrad Lopes, host of the weekly DadTired podcast and founder of the non-profit ministry, aimed at pointing men to Jesus. Jerrad tackles some of the most frequently-asked-questions Risen Motherhood receives about supporting husbands spiritually, with “from his perspective” insights and practical ideas. Because of Christ’s example, moms are free to love and support Dad, right where he’s at.
Ep. 67 || 8 Reasons the Old Testament Should Matter to Moms
Any mom who reads to her children knows that you wouldn't start a storybook right in the middle! If you skipped the first half, your kids would miss important aspects of the plot and the character development. Instead, you would start at the very beginning and view all of the parts as a whole. But for some reason, when it comes to the bible, we often toss that concept aside and go straight for the easier-to-understand New Testament books. In this episode, Emily and Laura make a case for the Old Testament, citing eight reasons why it really matters! Processing the entire bible in light of the cross is critical for mom (and her kiddos) to rightly understand God's epic redemption story.
Ep. 66 || Hannah Anderson: How Humility Nourishes a Weary Mom's Soul
We know we should be grateful for the gifts God has given us in motherhood, but instead, we find ourselves battling discontentment, anxiety, and stress over our inability to keep up with even the simplest tasks. In this interview, author Hannah Anderson, talks about her book "Humble Roots," offering an opportunity for weary moms to rest as they accept their limitations and let God be God. She applies gospel-truth to challenging topics like postpartum body image, vocational or ministry calling, and dealing with the temptation to live for our "ideal" version of motherhood instead of God's plan us. This conversation is candid, challenging, and leaves much to be considered...don't miss it!
Ep. 65 || Finding Your Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community?
These days, it's common to hear the call for moms to find a "tribe" where they belong. While there is great benefit in connecting with women who share similar circumstances, challenges, or life passions, is this where we're supposed to find our primary source of community? In this episode, Emily and Laura address the online "tribe" trend, and challenge moms to examine God's plan for community, which is rooted in the local church. There is no online ministry or common interest group that can replace the need for deep relationships among flesh-and-blood believers.
Ep. 64 || Making a Home: Decorating for the Glory of God
Instagram and Pinterest-worthy spaces may have you feeling intimidated, jealous, or proud about the look and feel of your own home. But despite the trends or the tendency to make appearances too important, there is still value in serving others by creating a beautiful space for God's glory. In this episode, Emily and Laura explain the gospel's implications for beauty in the home, touching on everything from creating a functional space to using decorating for strategic ministry opportunities. Regardless of the size of the space or the size of the budget, mom can image God by drawing her children to His loveliness in all things - even through home decor!
Ep. 63 || Jen Wilkin: Growing in God's Word as a Mom of Little Ones
Is there hope for developing a personal understanding of the bible in the season of young children? In this special interview, author and bible teacher, Jen Wilkin, shares her passion for biblical literacy, encouraging moms to stay committed to gaining a firsthand knowledge of their sacred text. Jen also gives practical examples of what this might look like, offering encouragement to set aside larger blocks of time, get involved in a structured study with accountability, and consistently consume the word whenever and wherever you can. If you haven't been sure about how an understanding of scripture impacts your spiritual life or your role as a mom, you'll be so challenged and encouraged by this interview!
Ep. 62 || When Your Husband Works Long Hours
When Dad has to work late (again) and mom feels like she's soldiering on with the children, is there a gracious response to give? Although the long days might leave a wife stuck in cycles of comparison with other families and even anger, God hasn't left her without hope and help. In this episode, Emily interviews Laura, who shares a bit of her experience as a mom whose husband works long hours. Whether your own husband just misses the occasional dinner, or travels for months at time, you're not going to want to miss the wisdom she shares! The gospel turns "fairness" on it's head, and offers wives a better way forward - where her husband (or his job) isn't the enemy, and all her needs are met in Christ.
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