Ep. 37 || Working Hard at Home: Emily's Story
As a child, Emily had visions of homemaking that included fresh-baked cookies, fun outings with children, and quiet afternoons of running errands. But after becoming a mom herself, she quickly realized that stay-at-home-motherhood wasn't as simple as she imagined. Without self-discipline, intentionality, and an industrious spirit, she was unable to stay-on-top-of the simplest child-rearing and homemaking responsibilities.
In this episode, you'll hear Laura and Emily discuss her journey as a stay-at-home-mom, and what finally helped her view motherhood as an important calling with eternal implications. When the gospel changes our identity, it also changes our mission. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or not, this episode will challenge you to mother for God's glory and his kingdom purposes.
Ep. 36 || True Hope for Moms: Discerning Lies You Hear Online
Moms hear a lot of messages when they scroll through their news feeds; "You are doing enough. If you just love your kids, you're doing a good job. It's okay to be falling apart, we all are." While those messages might offer some temporary help, are they the whole truth? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss what it looks like to give moms an injection of lasting hope and how to discern messages that are contrary to the gospel. Moms need more than just sips from the water-bucket of mom culture, they need help and encouragement from the eternal, life-giving well of Jesus.
Ep. 35 || Putting Your Marriage First: Give Him More Than the Leftovers
Without even noticing, we can let the daily dish piles, weighty to-do lists, and urgent needs of little children push our husbands far into the background. While this might not cause immediate harm, in the long-term, giving our husbands the "leftovers" can lead to distance and damage. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the the importance of keeping our marriages in the forefront of our minds, and give some simple ideas for blessing our husbands. A healthy marriage is an opportunity to love our children well, and to model the very faith we hope to pass along.
Ep. 34 || Recovering From A Traumatic Birth: Laura's Story
Nearly 35 percent of women experience a traumatic birth and most women take at least 12 months to acknowledge or realize the true affects of what happened to them. In today's episode, Laura is sharing her story of a traumatic birth with her firstborn. Sharing her feelings of inadequacy, anger, shame, blame and comparison, Laura talks through what happened and how she healed from a traumatic birth, finding hope in the gospel. Whether you experienced a traumatic birth in the past, or just feel discouraged that your birth that didn't live up to your expectations, today's show will help you process and recover, turning a disappointing birth story into one filled with meaning and hope.
Ep. 33 || Intentional Motherhood Starts At Day One
With near-permanent dark circles under our eyes and a perfected diaper changing routine, it's easy to get lost in the haze of the baby and small toddler stage. Instead of savoring the moment and seeing the opportunities, we rush through, wondering when the "real" parenting is going to start. But God didn't design children with a switch that flips at a certain age, but instead, he begins using mothers to do important gospel-work from the very beginning. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the important foundations laid for future discipleship during infancy and toddlerhood. They also share lots of practical ideas for moms, caregivers, nursery workers, and anyone who wants to be intentional with the moments they share with a sweet little one. God cares for children, and he created babies and toddlers to retain more than we think.
Ep. 32 || Gloria Furman: Missional Motherhood
Gloria Furman explains that there are two ways to look at motherhood: through a microscope lens at the daily issues and pressing needs of little children, or from up high; using a telescope to look at the big picture. In this special interview, Gloria explains how we can take the long view, seeing motherhood as not just a helpful social construct, but authored by God for specific purposes. You'll be encouraged as she talks about everything from theology and redemption to lattes and quiet times. If you're wondering how the gospel impacts you in your most difficult moments in motherhood, tune in for some powerful words of truth!
Ep. 31 || Momma, Fear the Lord: Not the Election Season
Hey momma, are you feeling a little anxious this election season? Are you unsure of what the future holds for your children? Although it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending news cycle, shrouded in fear and bias, there is a place you can turn to for truth. In this episode, Emily and Laura look on the bright side of this political season, discussing our unchanging hope and eternal home. Contrary to what the culture tells us, moms really don't have to fear what is frightening, but can instead trust the God who is working for our good and his glory.
Ep. 30 || Why You Don't Have to Live With Mom Guilt
Maybe it's related to a petty thing, or maybe it's rooted in a big daily decision, but all moms face familiar feelings of guilt. The question isn't, "Do we battle guilt as moms?" but, "What will we do with it?" Will we continue to live under a dark cloud of condemnation, or bring our questions to the throne of grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the common underlying reasons for mom guilt, and start the conversation about how to deal with. Regardless of what you discover about your heart as you examine your guilt in light of scripture, there is only one outcome in the gospel: freedom.
Ep. 29 || Using Life-Giving Words With Our Children
Especially under stress, it's easy to get caught in a pattern of using critical words with our children. Can you relate? Instead of tearing down, God's word encourages us to harness the tongue for building-up, giving grace, and pointing our children towards their ultimate source of life. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of practicing this skill with our children, and share practical ways to get started. We won't be perfect, but we can keep choosing words that speak truth, along with a heaping dose of love.
Ep. 28 || On The Same Team: Getting On The Same Page As Parents
So you read the parenting articles, brushed-up on the books, and did the research to approach a parenting issue intentionally. But, your plans quickly seemed to flop when you realized you were on a totally different page than your husband. How can mom be proactive and make a plan, while honoring, respecting, involving, and coming alongside her husband too? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the easy miscommunication traps we can fall into as parents, and share ideas for getting back on the same team. Mom and dad have the same ultimate goal: to pass along the gospel to the next generation, training up their children in the Lord.
Ep. 27 || Intentional Motherhood: It's The Little Things
With young children, the years might speed by, but the days can feel like they go on forever. It's tempting to live for the next big milestone, fun moment, or restful break. Instead of asking, "How can I be faithful in this moment for the glory of God?" we find ourselves asking, "How can I burn through the next few hours and just make it to bedtime?" In this episode, Emily and Laura identify with this common trap, and discuss ways to keep our eyes on our primary mission. Passing along our faith to the next generation isn't just something that happens in the big moments. Instead, it's the humble collection of a million daily interactions over the course of a childhood.
Ep. 26 || When Birth Doesn't Go to Plan
A number of scenarios can lead to disappointment after childbirth, especially when you compare your real-life experience to your carefully-crafted plans. You're grateful for the sweet baby in your arms, but sometimes, that doesn't completely silence the lurking questions you have about your childbirth. "Could it have gone better? Should I have made different choices? Did I do something wrong?" In today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own disappointments in childbirth and how hoping in God's good plans helped them find peace. Freedom comes when we realize we are not defined by our birth story, but our Savior.
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