Interviews, Bible Study Risen Motherhood Interviews, Bible Study Risen Motherhood

Ep. 79 || She Reads Truth: God’s Word Everyday, in Every Season

In the years of little ones, it seems almost impossible to carve out a quiet moment to read our Bibles and pray intentionally. Most moms want to be in the word amidst the busyness, but we just need a little help. This is why founders, Raechel and Amanda, started She Reads Truth – to see women get in the word of God everyday. In this episode, Raechel and Amanda, wives, mothers, and authors, discuss how women need to be rooted in God’s word, taking the first step by just getting started. By changing our expectations of “quiet times” and studying with other women, we can find the refreshing hope of the gospel in the Bible that has relevant application in each season of life.

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Home & Hospitality, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood Home & Hospitality, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood

Ep. 78 || Birthday Parties: Celebrating God’s Good Work

From elaborate, Pinterest-worthy birthday bashes to simple celebrations with donuts and family, birthday parties can look wildly different in every family. But for moms today, planning a birthday party can feel a little like a competition against online strangers, our friends, and even ourselves. One thing all parties do is reveal a mom’s heart. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss birthday parties and ask, “What’s our heart motivation?” Since our worth is secure with Christ, moms can stop chasing perfection, even in something like party planning. The gospel invites us to see each birthday as pause for a yearly celebration of God’s work in our children’s lives.

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Ask Us Anything, Interviews Risen Motherhood Ask Us Anything, Interviews Risen Motherhood

Ep. 77 || Ask Us Anything! Fall 2017 Edition

We’ve had many questions from listeners about all things motherhood, ranging from the super practical to the thought-provoking theological. We tackled many of those last spring, but it’s time to answer a new list of frequently asked questions! In this special one-hour episode, Laura and Emily laugh and talk about lessons learned, their friendship, what they’re currently reading, personal testimonies, and so much more. We hope that as you listen in, you’ll pick up a few ideas about how the gospel impacts every aspect of motherhood!

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Interviews, Mentor Mom Wisdom, Food, Discipline & Discipleship Risen Motherhood Interviews, Mentor Mom Wisdom, Food, Discipline & Discipleship Risen Motherhood

Ep. 76 || Sally Clarkson: Nourishing & Training Up Your Children at the Table

The idea of eating around the table with little ones may bring to mind little tea cups in front of stuffed animal friends or fidgeting children and food-covered floors. No matter what mealtimes look like in our homes, each meal is a chance to share how God’s love impacts our children’s lives. In this episode, Sally Clarkson, wife, mother of four, and prolific author, offers her wealth of experience and insight on sharing Christ with your children around the family table. By making our times at the table something special and an opportunity for training, moms can tackle the hard work of sharing gospel truths in a natural way within the daily rhythm of mealtimes. 

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Community, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood Community, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood

Ep. 75 || Grandparents & The Gospel: Approach Them With Grace

Interactions with the grandparents in your life may leave you feeling thankful and energized, but they may also leave you feeling frustrated or misunderstood. One thing that all moms need in both easy and hard relationships is grace. In the second episode of our “Grandparents & The Gospel” series, Laura and Emily focus on how we can be the instruments of the gospel in our interactions with our children’s grandparents. When we understand how Jesus extends the most grace to us, we are free to offer unconditional love to some of our very closest neighbors, Grandpa and Grandma.

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Community, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood Community, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood

Ep. 74 || Grandparents & The Gospel: Why Do Grandma & Grandpa Get Under Your Skin?

Grandparents can be some of the most loving and helpful relationships in the lives of our children, but they can also be some of the most complicated. Navigating different expectations, values, and family cultures can cause miscommunication and even estrangement. In this episode, Emily and Laura ask the question, “Why do Grandma and Grandpa get under our skin sometimes?” which is really a way of examining our own hearts in light of the gospel. What we worship determines how we respond to happy and hard relationships, and only when we reorient our eyes to Christ’s sacrifice can we approach these issues with grace.

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Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood

Ep. 73 || Ruth Chou Simons: Faithfulness & Work in the Season of Young Children

In the little years, it’s easy to grow weary from sowing seeds without seeing much fruit. When the discouragement bears down, we wonder, “Does this even matter? Would another investment be more worthwhile?” In this episode, Ruth Chou Simons, author, artist and founder of Gracelaced, pours out gospel-rich wisdom from her years of parenting six boys. She discusses how she manages her dreams and motherhood, how she keeps her priorities straight with a blooming business, and offers practical wisdom for a busy mom to grow in her relationship with God. Through years of humble faithfulness, a mom can hope in Christ, even when she can’t see the outcome of her story.

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Disability Risen Motherhood Disability Risen Motherhood

Ep. 72 || Questions, Appointments, Evaluations and Differences: When Your Child Doesn’t Fit the Mold

What does a mom do at the beginning of an unknown journey with a kiddo who doesn’t seem to fit the mold? Whether it’s food allergies, therapy needs, medical concerns, hearing / vision impairments, challenging behaviors or something else; the differences can feel scary and isolating. How can a mom apply the truth of the gospel when she’s not even sure what she’s dealing with? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own personal experiences with kiddos who don’t fit the mold, and offer encouragement rooted in an unchanging hope available in Christ. In Him, we can be confident that all things are for our good and God’s glory.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum, Body Image, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum, Body Image, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood

Ep. 71 || Mom Bods and the Gospel

Regardless of how long it’s been since having a baby, we can easily tie too much self-worth to our external appearance. Our confidence can be sky high one morning when we see that “number we’ve been waiting for,” and drop to the ground when it we see a friend who looks better-than-before-baby. But what does the gospel say about how we should view our MomBods? In this special “welcome back” episode, newly postpartum moms Emily and Laura discuss common cultural mindsets about body image, encouraging themselves and others to believe the truths presented in scripture. God isn’t shaming our postpartum bodies, and we shouldn’t either.

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Ep. 70 || Is Motherhood Your Measure of Success

When urgent needs and love for our littles abounds, it’s easy to become all-consumed by the role of motherhood. Without even realizing it, we can start to define ourselves by how we’re doing, letting our joy be found in the relative success of earthly ability instead of the secure anchor of the Savior. In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the concept of identity and motherhood, encouraging moms to define themselves in Christ. As sinners, our success can’t be found in any earthly role or relationship, but only through our eternal hope in the Savior himself.

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Community, Comparison, Friendship Risen Motherhood Community, Comparison, Friendship Risen Motherhood

Ep. 69 || Loving the Difficult Mom in Your Life

It’s natural to prefer spending time with moms who share similar parenting values, lifestyle choices, and special interests with us. Conversely, most of us can instantly think of a mom we avoid, because she makes us uncomfortable with her more-extreme views in a gray-area of motherhood. These feelings beg the question, “How should we love and interact with those who do motherhood differently than us, especially when those differences breed difficulties?” In this episode, Emily and Laura bring the gospel to bear on these challenging relationships, remembering that the cross levels all of us. Because of the extravagant grace shown to us, we can now love others who are different, even when it’s hard.

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Marriage, Interviews Risen Motherhood Marriage, Interviews Risen Motherhood

Ep. 68 || How Can Mom Support Dad Spiritually?: An Interview With Jerrad Lopes

Moms celebrate Father’s Day with a variety of feelings. Some are incredibly grateful for their husband’s leadership, hands-on help, sacrificial love, and wisdom with child-rearing. But others feel the pain of disappointment, and aren’t sure how to reconcile their expectations with their reality. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jerrad Lopes, host of the weekly DadTired podcast and founder of the non-profit ministry, aimed at pointing men to Jesus. Jerrad tackles some of the most frequently-asked-questions Risen Motherhood receives about supporting husbands spiritually, with “from his perspective” insights and practical ideas. Because of Christ’s example, moms are free to love and support Dad, right where he’s at.

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