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Going First: Cultivating Community Within the Church
We can help build the church community we long for by proactively studying and serving alongside other moms, rooting our ultimate confidence in Christ.
5 Ways to Nurture Community When Mothering Littles
Community—especially in the wearying, isolating years of young motherhood—is a gift from God for our mutual strengthening and encouragement.
A Reflection on Creating and Community
In our creativity and our motherhood, community is God’s gracious gift to us—to support and strengthen us along the way.
New to the Neighborhood: Gospel Hope When You’re Longing for Friendship
When we feel the loneliness and uncertainty of being a newcomer, the gospel reminds us that friendship is a good gift—created, redeemed, and restored by our God.
Connection: Made for the Joy of Friendship
As we connect with others in gospel friendship, we reflect the love of the triune God who made us for relationship.
When You’re the Only One Who Calls: Taking Initiative in Friendships
When we’re willing to make the first move in friendship, we can reflect the love and pursuit of our ultimate friend, Jesus.
5 Ways to Care for Single Moms
While some aspects of motherhood are universal, there are unique ways we can intentionally care for single moms.
The Grace of Comparison
Instead of discouraging us, comparison can be a means of God’s grace at work in our lives transforming us more into the image of Christ.
3 Things Your Friend Who Miscarried Needs to Hear
Here are three of the most effective expressions of care that you can offer a friend in the wake of pregnancy loss.
Loving a Friend Through Crisis
Though our days may already be filled with serving our own families, when a friend is in crisis, we have a beautiful opportunity to serve her and help her experience the love of Christ.
Mentoring is for Moms Too
The little years might not seem like the season for mentoring. But we don’t have to have it all together to have something to offer—the beauty of mentoring is growing together.
Spring 2020 AUA FAQs
The RM Team loves seeing questions roll in when we’re prepping for an “Ask Us Anything” podcast episode with Emily and Laura. Unfortunately, we can’t answer every question submitted to us—there’s not enough time. However, we have a treasure trove of resources and information in our show archives, article archives, and old show notes that have already answered some of the questions we receive. If you didn’t hear Emily and Laura answer your question on this most recent AUA show, check below. We’ve rounded up a collection of links from previous RM content (plus a few other sources) to help answer some of the most asked questions we received.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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